You can get the industry’s best turf surfacing system through a nationally-leveraged purchasing contract with TIPS. This is a national governmental contracting agency that has awarded a purchasing contract for Athletic Surfaces that you can use – which satisfies your local bid requirements – to purchase an A-Turf athletic field.
This contract is AVAILABLE TO ALL PUBLIC ENTITIES – from schools to park districts – simply by becoming a TIPS member at no cost, obligation or liability.
FACT: TIPS membership enables you to buy from A-Turf at competitive bid-level prices.
TIPS is AVAILABLE TO ALL PUBLIC ENTITIES – from schools to park districts throughout the United States. This is not going “around” your bid process. TIPS already went “through” the required bid process.
BENEFIT: TIPS contracts save you and your entity considerable time and money.
TIPS members purchase products and services at a reduced cost through contracts without duplicating their own competitive bidding process and requirements, because TIPS has already nationally solicited, evaluated and awarded contracts through a competitive bid process.
ACTION: It takes only minutes to complete a no-cost, no-obligation, no-liability TIPS membership.
TIPS procures and awards all vendor contracts according to Texas statutes and other applicable federal “EDGAR” regulations, 2 CFR Part 200 as interpreted by the US Department of Education.
Any purchase of A-Turf products and services may be handled directly with A-Turf under our TIPS Awarded Contracts for Synthetic Fields #20020501 and 20020502.